5 Types of Images that Attract Your Ideal Client
When it comes to attracting clients, there are certain images that are going to draw them in and start a relationship before you even meet them. Planning out the kind of images you want to use with a clear strategy will go a long way to make your brand as defined and obvious as possible. […]
How To Be Your Own Social Media Manager
One of the many hats you likely have to wear as an entrepreneur is a Social Media Manager; we’re no strangers to learning all kinds of roles to keep our businesses going. The Social Media manager role can seem daunting and time consuming, which often leads to putting social media on the back burner. But […]
Why Your Marketing Needs Professional Photography
Your business has a lot of marketing. Everything from your website, your blog and any social media you use is considered marketing. Not to mention any of the stuff you pay for when it comes to ads, flyers, business cards, pamphlets, magazines etc. All of that material should have a cohesive look and feel and […]
How to Put Yourself Out There
What does “putting yourself out there” even mean and why is it so damn hard? Well, when it comes to creating a brand, putting yourself out there is a big one. You need to give your customers and clients a reason to trust you and that’s hard to do when you don’t talk about yourself […]
3 Things To Get You More Leads
Okay, you are reading this skeptically, I know. But hear me out! If you do these three things and come back to me saying they didn’t get you a new lead – I will buy you a Starbucks coffee! Yeah, a venti of whatever your favourite drink is! Okay, so that’s a lame bet, but […]
How to Find you Ideal Client
Your Ideal Client What is an ideal client? An ideal client is a person who you would LOVE working with over and over. They are the epitome of the reason you started this business. You want to serve them as thoroughly as possible and give them all of your attention. An ideal client is a […]
Copywriter: how to convert your ideal clients!
Being a copywriter that not only resonates with your ideal client but showcases your true self is really hard. You can have the best of intentions, but when you sit down to get the work done, it falls flat and feels sales-y. Most of the time, you people fall into one of four copywriting patterns: […]
Top Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners
As any small business owner can tell you, there is never enough time to get everything done. Like, ever. Thankfully, you can organize your time a whole lot more efficiently, giving you a better shot at mostly getting everything done. Mostly. Here are some tips for managing your time better No matter what you actually […]